
Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Weekend with John & Nina

We had a busy, but enjoyable weekend...

Troy's best friend John, and his wife Nina are in town.

John has been Troy's closest friend for 15 years.  They live in Maryland, and we don't get to see them as often as we'd like.  Troy and John play games (on computer/with a headset) for a few hours every Sunday evening.  Before they start their game- they always fill each other in on the week they've had, what's going on with the wives, family, etc.  They also text throughout the week.  I think that's neat, and I'm thankful that Troy has John.

Nina and John are expecting their first baby in December!  We went to dinner Friday evening to celebrate the good news.

We had a wonderful time catching up, and enjoying their company.  Wish we had more Friday evenings with them.

On Saturday, John's family gave Nina a baby shower.  Troy loaded the gift into my car and sent me on my way....and then he headed to meet John for a movie :)

Nina is from Vietnam and had never really heard of a baby shower.  She was overwhelmed with the fact that John's family and friends would do such a thing for her.  

I don't have many photos of the shower, because John gave me his camera and asked me to take photos for them.  I always get assigned this job at events (I guess because I take my camera everywhere) and it makes me a nervous wreck.  I'm scared of missing something, and want to do a good job for them.

When the shower was coming to a close, Nina stood up and said that she wanted to tell us all something, but wasn't sure that she could explain it correctly (occasionally she won't know a certain word in English as she has only been in the United States for 4 years).  She gave the most beautiful speech.  She said that she never dreamed she would have all of this.... all of the family... the support.....  then she looked down at her gifts that she had just opened.....and started to cry.

I lost it with her.  I couldn't help it....  she was just precious.  Her Mother-in-law (who gave her the shower) stepped in to hug her, and I just sat there.....blubbering.  Do you think I snapped a picture...  of the MOST precious moment of the ENTIRE shower!?!?


I sat there in lala land, thinking of how overwhelming this must all be to her, and of how gracious she was to give such a precious speech.
I am a photographer failure. :(  I bet I took a hundred photos of the shower....  and missed the most important moment.

I beg anyone and everyone I know that is expecting a baby to let me in the room with them during delivery.  I promise to take all photos of the precious birth (it's my excuse to get in the room).  I'm so glad that no one has ever taken me up on this offer.  I would stand in the corner of the room sobbing, never remembering to take the first photo!?

Same goes with a wedding I guess...   I would be the wedding photographer that sits down next to the mother of the bride half way through the ceremony to cry with her....   asking the person next to me (probably the father of the bride) to hold the camera while I sobbed through the exchanging of the vows.  The wedding would end, and I would stand with everyone else, applauding with pride as they introduce the new bride and groom.....  

never taking the first photo.

What a mess it would be. ;-)

We are trying our best to get John and Nina to move back to Louisville. :)  Such wonderful people!

Later that evening, I met the girls for dinner....

Love these girls so much!

And I finished the day laying around with my husband watching the first episode of Big Brother.  It was a busy, but perfect Saturday .......  minus my photography mess up ;-)

Today, Troy had to go into work for a little bit, so I tagged along....

I went around the department crossing his name off of all the "beeper/pager night schedules" that were hanging around ;-).  HA!  Not really....   but I wanted to.

We spent the rest of the day running errands and shopping for a laptop.  Ours went out a couple of weeks ago :(

That's all I have for ya :)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I know I have been busy but can't believe this blog slipped by me. Also, would have enjoyed seeing John and Nina. Simply forgot they would be in town !!! :-(
    Such a precious young couple. I'm glad she enjoyed her shower. :-)
    Love You,
