
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Friday :)

How is your week going?

If I'm being honest- I'm exhausted!  My coworker is out this week (we are a small office- just the two of us and the doctor) and I miss her terribly.  We are a great team, her and I, and when one of us is gone, the other suffers!  ;-)  Hurry back partner and friend- my life is crazy and chaotic without you! :)

I did get treated to a wonderful lunch/afternoon today though..... compliments of my friend Cheryl S.  

It was as if she knew I was having a crazy week.  She surprised me with a gift from Williams-Sonoma and a new recipe book!?  Wasn't that sweet?  Just out of the blue....  no reason at all.

She had lunch waiting for me when we I got there, and then taught me how to make homemade Swedish meatballs!  They were delicious.

She also made brownies from scratch...

As always- she sent me home with enough to last a week- and Troy enjoyed it for dinner tonight :)

I've said it before, but I have NO idea why Cheryl spoils me the way she does.  She is one of the most generous and loving people.  I couldn't be more thankful for her.  We have the best time cooking, chatting and I thoroughly enjoy every minute of her company.  I love when God brings GOOD people into my life.

Speaking of good people- my favorite text of the week goes to my sweet sister-in-law- Christy.  It was a simple text- but I think that's what made it so perfect. :)

It's one thing to get an out of the blue "I love you" from your husband or your mom.... we're all used to those.  But to get one from your sister-in-law is something extra special.

And while we're on the subject of texting.  Troy sent me a text the other day that said something to the effect of  "Hi honey, hope you are having a good day, my day is busy, I found a picture of myself in a medical magazine earlier, I hope to be home around 5:00, I love you."

Wait....what?  You found yourself in a magazine!?

Who just FINDS themselves in a magazine??  If I was present while a photographer was shooting something for a possible ad or magazine, i would STALK them until the photos surfaced.  Not Troy, he said it had been awhile since the photos were taken, and he had forgotten all about it.


Anyhoo, I told Troy to make sure to bring that magazine home and he said he couldn't because it.... "wasn't his."


I told him I didn't care WHOSE it was, it was a magazine, not a wallet- finders keepers- to bring it home, and not to krinkle, wrinkle or mess it up along the way :)

Would you believe he didn't bring it home?  He said it didn't belong to him, it had another doctor's name on it.

Oh for the love.

Shortly after learning that he didn't bring this magazine home, I went out to the mail box and there was a totally different medical magazine, with the SAME picture/advertisement in it.  YES!!  I got my OWN magazine after all.

Troy is on the left/middle.  The guy in front of him is really on my nerves....   how dare he block my husband!? ;)

I had Troy hold the magazine and get his picture made....  he looks thrilled doesn't he? :)

The very next morning, while I was getting ready for work, I saw a commercial for University Hospital and up popped my husband's picture :)

I instantly hit record so that I could show Troy....

Tonight I had him pose next to the tv.  He covered his face and said "you are joking right?"

I have the camera in my hand.....  does it look like I'm joking? ;-)

He said that I was silly....  that you could barely see him. 

But I don't care how small he is....   he's there, it's a memory- and I LOVE it :)  The funny thing is....  Troy and I have seen this commercial a dozen times.  UofL is airing it a lot right now and we've both commented on how we think it's a good commercial.  We never noticed him...    okay....  maybe it is a little small :)

So as it turns out, I didn't need the magazine (that he wouldn't steal)....  because it seems UofL is using this photo in all of their advertisements right now (several different medical magazines) and even in their commercial :)  Yay!!

It doesn't take much to excite me :)

We have the MOST wonderful weekend planned.  Wanna know what we're doing?  


I can't wait!! :)  We were originally scheduled to have dinner with friends, but upon our request, they were sweet enough to move it to the following weekend.  We are tired, we need to be lazy.  We need a pajama and movie kind of weekend.

Hope you have a wonderful Friday.  If you see a medical related magazine laying around- steal all copies that you see for me please... and DON'T tell Troy ;-)  HA!




  1. Well Happy Friday to you, too! I had no idea you.had such a famous husband. ;)

  2. I think the fact that Troy and I have seen this commercial several times and have never noticed him.... proves he's really only famous in my eyes! ;-) Have a good day Lauren! Can't wait to hear the good news. And thanks for commenting :)

  3. You are both pretty famous in my eyes ! I'm proud of everything that both of you have accomplished. However, can you get me several dozen of those magazines??? Also, while I am thinking of it, a few of those Swedish meatballs would be great !

  4. Congratulations Troy! I believe that picture uses up about 10 seconds of his 15 minutes of fame (would have been more if that guy in front of him had moved!). :) Nate was once in an advertisement and I wanted to get thousands of copies and drop them from a plane over Louisville, so I understand! :)
    -Jenn H
