
Sunday, July 1, 2012

A HOT Weekend Wrap-Up!

Could it have been any warmer this weekend?!  I am the biggest wimp in the heat!  I feel like I thanked the Lord for our air conditioning every fifteen minutes this weekend!  I don't know how people are surviving without it.  I can't imagine.  That just shows you how spoiled we truly are. :(

Here are a few photos of our weekend....

My sister-in-law's Mom (or my brother's mother-in-law) got married this weekend.  They were nice enough to invite Troy and I.  We sat with my mom and Dad during the reception and enjoyed their company...

This is Christy's Mom, Angie and her new husband Keith...

My brother sang during the reception, which was neat!  I hadn't heard him sing in a long time.

The picture below is my favorite of the day...  I just wish Kandice could have been there.  I love when we get a girl family photo :)

After the wedding reception, we picked up Troy's Dad (Papa Geroge as I call him) and took him to "Famous Daves" and a movie.  Troy would rather eat anything other than Famous Daves.  He is not a  home cookin', ribs and potatoes kind of boy....    he's more of a pizza and Thai food boy. :)  When we are joking around or he's picking on me, I threaten him with Cracker Barrel, Claudia Sanders, and any other "country" restaurant I can think of at the moment.  He'd rather eat just about anything else.  I know.... it's weird.  I am such a southern girl when it comes to my food.  To me, there is nothing better then a home cooked southern meal with a big sweet tea. :)

However, Famous Dave's is one of his Dad's favorites- so Troy was glad to take him.

Troy's brother Eric, and his girlfriend Sarah joined us as well.

After dinner, we all went across the street to see a movie.  My dad met us there to join the boys for, "Prometheus."
I've decided that Sarah is my movie angel.  For 13 years I have sat with these boys and watched their monster movies with them.  However, yesterday...  the clouds parted, the skies opened... and light shined down upon me .....

Sarah asked if I'd be interested in seeing something different with her.  She wasn't interested in their alien movie.

Oh Sarah....  my movie angel....  what took you so long to arrive? :)

So while the boys watched their monster movie....

Sarah and I watched "People Like Us"...

and enjoyed it!  Thank you Sarah!!

Today, has been mostly running errands.  We made a trip to Sam's Club (along with everyone else in Louisville), went shoe shopping for Troy (clothes/shoe shopping with him is both hysterical and horrible....every time I would decide I was officially going to choke him- he had me laughing so hard I couldn't...clothes shopping with Troy is an adventure... and another blog for another day), had Indian food, and relaxed!

That's about it for us!  Hope you were able to enjoy this HOT weekend!



P.S.  Please don't think for a minute that I believe our mundane weekends (such as eating bbq and a trip to Sam's Club) are worth sharing.  I record them for our memories really- and am excited that occasionally someone is interested in reading :-)

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy hearing about your weekend and I love seeing pictures of everyone. Papa George looks well. Looking forward to Saturday and spending time with Troy's parents, family and friends.
    Love You,
