
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ash Wednesday

I've had this song in my head all afternoon.

My intention for today was to write a somewhat aloof post regarding Ash Wednesday. I had my list of "what I'm giving up" ready to go. Somehow my post changed as I began to write.

I grew up Catholic, and though we do not practice the faith any more- many of the beliefs and traditions are still near and dear to my heart. I’ve seen several comments this week mocking or questioning the season of Lent, and the sacrifices people make in celebration of it.

Your sacrifice, no matter it’s size or significance is if nothing else,a conversation with you and the Lord. That alone is precious to me. Who is anyone to question that? This post is not meant to do such a thing, but more just an honest confession from my heart.There are many references in the Bible where we are taught to fast in prayer. Fasting in that sense, is giving something up. I feel the Lord would bless you for your sacrifice, no matter it’s worth.

I could list for you, a dozen different sacrifices I have considered. Some are foolish, some are shallow, and some would be very difficult for me. Difficult- that’s what I need, right? As long as it feels like a true sacrifice, surely I’m good with choosing that one.

But it doesn’t feel good. It feels timely, insufficient, and unworthy.

Those of us, who “give up” something for Lent, probably do so to grow closer to God. I think the sacrifices I had come up with would somewhat do that….for 40 days.

I want to surrender more to Him than my fast food, or my DVR. I want to give Him more than my shopping, or my eating out, or my texting.

I want to give Him all of me. Everyday.

I want Him to dwell in every area of my life. Not just the ones that are convenient or easy for me. I want Him to take my life and do with it what He has planned. More importantly…. I want to be able to say that without being afraid.

I want my actions to reflect His love. I want my words to reflect His goodness. I want my thoughts to reflect His desires.

I want to be bold enough to tell others of the peace and joy He can bring to your life.

I want to be a better disciple for Him.

I do not deserve His blessings, and yet He continues to fill my life with His mercy, grace and peace everyday.

He has blessed me with a husband, who gives me a love so pure and so precious that it completely overwhelms me.

He has blessed me with parents that carry me daily….. even at 31. I would be nothing without them, for they are the very reason I know Jesus. He has blessed me with a sister, brother, precious in-laws, etc.

He has blessed me with friends who warm my heart and feed my soul. The joy that they bring to my life is immeasurable.

He has blessed me with a job that I do not deserve, and that I do not thank Him for enough.

He has blessed me with good health that I take for granted.

He has blessed me with His son Jesus, and His sweet Holy Spirit.

The sacrifice I hope to make for Ash Wednesday is……. Me.

“Take my life, and make it yours Lord

Fill me with your love.

You are all I need,

I surrender all of me.”

“All of Me” by Selah (one of my favorite groups)

To all Catholics celebrating Lent, Happy Ash Wednesday to you! Whether you are giving up Reese’s Easter eggs, meat, soda, whatever it is…. may you be blessed for making a sacrifice for God, and taking a stand for your faith!

To all Christians preparing for Easter, may His sacrifice me more real to you today than it ever has before.

To anyone who has ever wondered what a relationship with Jesus is like, may your heart be filled with the peace of His love, and the knowledge of His promise.

Romans 10:9,10 "...If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved.”

Revelation 3:20 Jesus said "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him..."

And just because I can't have a post without a picture... Easter 2011 :)

A wonderful Ash Wednesday to all.


P.S. For all the non-Catholics- don’t forget to avoid Moby Dick on Friday ;o)

1 comment:

  1. I loved this. I didn't see it till March 6, but it was wonderful! Sometimes for Lent it's not what you give up, but what you try to do that helps you find that closeness with the Lord. One of my favorite is to increase my prayer time. And you were right about fasting, it is a form of prayer. Thank you for including all your Christian friends, no matter which faith they choice to worship God. After all it is the relationship you form with God that matters, the church is just there to help you develope that relationship.

    Cathy Reising
