I love everything about the Fourth of July.
I love the fireworks, the flags, the red white and blue.
I love that it's a summer holiday celebrated with outdoor picnics.
I love the barbecue, the potato salad, and the lemonade.
And I LOVE to dress in patriotic colors.
What's not to love?
The Dunaway/Davis Fourth of July Picnic is a yearly event held at my parents' home. It's an evening full of family, friends, food and fireworks.
This is a big evening of fun every year.... but it's always the small details that make it what it is.
Like 3 tiny new additions.......
and watching the kids enjoying the festivities....
It's time with my girls....
...and us all being together.....
it's sunshine after a predicted forecast of rain......
It's my 8 little ducks .....
And it's seeing others happy.
It's a sky full of fireworks over a crowd of people that you love...
It's the small details......that make the evening a success.
Even when it's all over.
It's picking up a yard full of bubble toys and glow sticks, that you feel thankful for a group of little ones to play with.
It's when you're cleaning up food and dishes, that you feel blessed to have had people to share a meal with.
It's when you're taking down the flags... turning down the lights..... and calling it a day... that you think... "what a nice evening."
It's the fact that you have good people to celebrate with.
The idea that you have family and friends to fill your evening with love.
It's all of the small things..... that make up the big thing....
and remind you that you're blessed.
To my parents:
Thank you for hosting another beautiful Dunaway/Davis Fourth of July Picnic! For opening your home, giving your time and providing us with memories! Thank you for doing all the party planning, errand running, purchasing, and all of the other things you did to make this happen..... while I laid in bed : ) I can't thank you enough for loving us the way you do.
To our family/friends:
Thank you for coming : ). This evening would be nothing without you!
And to my husband:
Thunder Over Louisville has nothing on you....... well.... they have that waterfall off the bridge thingy... can we do that next year???
Thank you for planning and providing another beautiful firework display! I love you!
Until next year.....
Thank you Eric Goodin for the above photo :)