I've blogged before about my best friend Jennifer who is in Nurse Practitioner school. I mentioned her
here. If you know me- you know Jennifer. We've been best friends for 22 years.
I can't imagine how someone could go through any kind of schooling while raising two children, and working. Especially a program as rigorous as the one Jennifer is in.
I know she would tell you that she never would have made it through the program without her husband, Billy. He has carried her, Will and Max through it all.
But there's someone else who has walked this journey with her. Someone else who has been there countless times to make her load a little lighter.
Because of Isabelle, and her giving heart- things were a little less hectic for Jennifer over the past year.

Isabelle is Jennifer's neighbor and has been her right hand on many days! She has helped her with the boys more times then I can count, and has also been her company, fun, and friend. Together they do zoo trips, park trips, Target trips- having a neighbor as a friend has been wonderful for Jennifer!
Last night Isabelle had a dinner party for a few friends and I was invited!? I couldn't believe she included me. I was so tickled to be a part of it!
This "hostess with the most-ess" is from France and she prepared us a French meal......FROM SCRATCH!

She served us appetizers and drinks while she was preparing our meal....

She let us sample a variety of food and drinks- all straight from France! I thought that was so neat. This "Orangina" is like our version of "Orange Crush."

It was really nice to actually watch her prepare our meal. Most of the time when you arrive to some one's home for dinner, everything is ready to go. I enjoyed watching her prepare everything (especially while sampling appetizers)! I would never be able to do this. I would be an absolute nervous wreck to cook in front of people. I'm a very messy, slow, clumsy cook. She had an entire meal prepared in nothing flat. And she did it so gracefully. I would still be washing my potatoes. Or cutting my finger off... one or the other.

For dinner, she served:
-Tagliatelle alla Carbonara (this is actually an Italian dish- she learned the recipe from the mother of an old Italian boyfriend. Isn't that neat!? Sounds like something out of a movie!). It was SO delicious.
-Baked Chicken Breast with roasted vegetables
-Couscous, and a carrot dish with an onion glaze

After dinner, we were served bread and variety of cheese. In France, they have their bread after the meal. Isn't that smart? How many times have you gone to a restaurant and filled up on bread before your entree was served?? I loved learning a few tips on French dining!
While having our cheese and bread- she served a taste of Melon liquor that can only be purchased in France.
I just think that's so neat :)

Before serving dessert, she asked if anyone wanted coffee. I told her I only wanted it if it was from France :) She had spoiled me at this point. I wasn't willing to eat anything that hadn't arrived from France that morning. ;) She said that she only had American coffee, but would serve it to me the way they drink it in France. The mug and tiny "crooked" spoon was so sweet. It doesn't take much to excite me.

For dessert, we had Godiva Chocolate Mousse Cups. She said they were from a "mix," and she didn't really make them. I'm not buying it- they were too delicious. Or maybe I just don't want to believe it....because it was the only non authentic French food we had. ;)
Dinner was wonderful, the company was wonderful- it was truly a enjoyable evening!
Now for the sad..... SAD ....news. Isabelle is leaving us at the end of May. Her husband is in the Army, and they are being sent to Germany. We are happy for Isabelle, as she will be closer to her family in France, but are very sad for us.
I am especially sad for Jennifer, as her good friend will no longer be just across the street.
I love to talk about/blog about anyone with a selfless, giving heart... especially when they've been so giving to a friend of mine. I love surrounding myself with good people. Isabelle is one of those people. I loved being in her company last night.
Because of you, and your sweet friendship.... I know Jennifer's journey through her Master's was a little brighter.
Because of you, and your willingness to always help .... Will and Max's Mommy will not be working weekends as a Nurse for much longer. :)
Because of you, and your love and support- Jennifer will walk across the stage and receive her diploma in a matter of weeks. And though you will already be gone ..... I know she will carry you in her heart that day.
Thank you for spoiling me last night, and including me in your dinner party! I had the song, "Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest," in my head all evening (I know you don't do Disney- but it's a song played during a French dinner party..... with talking candlesticks of course). I had the best time!
Thank you for being so good to Jennifer, and for making it SO hard for her to say goodbye to you. It only means you did your job as a friend. I will always be grateful!
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