Weekends are never long enough.
I spent most of Friday with my coworker, Cheryl.
She is my "work mom." She brings me smoothies, gummie bears, Starbucks, whatever my "kick" is at the time- she is so good about bringing me little surprises.
She tells me often that I'm the strangest person she knows. The sad part is that I know she means it in the most loving of ways ;). I call her "Weirdo Spaz." I gave her that nickname years ago and it has stuck. One day I will have to blog about how she has earned that nickname. She is hysterical.
She loves to tease me about all my strange habits, and I do the same to her. She throws nothing away (and yet at the same time is a neat freak- so strange!?) and can find a purpose for anything. I throw everything away, even if it could have a purpose. She once held up a card board drink holder (like you would get from a fast food place) and said "I hate throwing this away, we could probably use it for something." After she said it, we both laughed so hard we couldn't breathe. I told her I was drawing the line there- she was throwing that thing away or else!
The next morning I came into work and there was a cardboard drink holder sitting on my desk filled with my favorite snacks and treats. Wasn't that sweet?
When Troy was in medical school and would be on call (having to spend the night in the hospital), Cheryl would keep me company some evenings after work. Sometimes we would go to Target, or maybe out for Mexican. When we would leave the restaurant she would say "See, now the evening is almost over and Troy will be home before you know it."
I could hug her just thinking about it!
The other day I called to ask her about a plant for my flower bed. She has a beautiful yard (it looks like it has been professionally done, and she and her husband have done it all) and knows a lot about plants. I know nothing. Zero. To me, anything green is a bush and anything with color is a rose. The end. So I called her and asked her about a plant and within minutes she met me and showed me a few things.
She's good to me.
Anyway, back to Friday night. After work, Cheryl came over for Thai food. She loves a Thai restaurant that is across the street from our house, and occasionally I can talk her into coming over to eat Thai food with us!
Chery is awful about letting me take her picture! She is very attractive, looks 20 years younger then she actually is and yet she won't let me take her picture. I have to beg. Plead. And typically- still get nothing. I snapped this of her while she was fixing one of my lamp shades ;)
I love you Cheryl! You are the best work mom, and friend. Thanks for hanging with me on Friday...... and for all of those evenings years ago when I was missing my husband. I will always be so grateful!
We had a wonderful Saturday. I tried to take a photo of Troy and I before we left for the day, but he said he didn't like any of the ones I took and made me cut him out. He was pulling a Cheryl.
Troy had to go into work for a couple of hours, so I tagged along. I told him it was "Bring Your Wife to Work Day," he just wasn't aware of it.
Even though he said he wasn't working on anything important that day, and that I was taking pictures of silly things that didn't really matter- I loved watching him work.
He was excited to give me a tour of areas I had never seen and to introduce me to a few people that I hadn't met before.
I wish every day was fake "Bring Your Wife to Work Day."
After leaving the hospital, we headed to Rafferty's for dinner.
And then to Starbucks for coffee. This will probably be my very last Caramel Macchiato of the season. I usually only like coffee in cooler weather.
We then headed over to Tinseltown for a movie. We saw "The Lucky One," and I loved it. I thought it was much better than "The Vow." Most Nicholas Sparks books are set in the south, as was this story, which is why I think I liked it better.
Plus- when it was over Troy looked at me and told me that he was the "lucky one."
Yes..... I do want to kiss his face off everyday.... in case you were wondering.
It was a wonderful Saturday!
Our Sunday was pretty laid back. Troy spent most of the day working on a project. I would go in and harrass him from time to time.
My friend/neighbor Jen and I went for a walk.
We crossed over Bardstown Road and into Glenmary.
Picked out a couple of houses we would like...
We even went into an Open House :) It kept our exercising somewhat entertaining.
It was a beautiful day and we went off the beaten path.....

Before we knew it we had walked 5 miles!
Jen is 4 months pregnant and is still walking me with me almost daily! She makes me forget that we are "working out" because we have so much fun. I know I've said it before, but having a neighbor as a friend..... a dear friend.... is a dream! I feel so blessed to have her!
That was our weekend!
Hope you had a great one too!
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