I must brag on my husband tonight. I am married to the most humble man on Earth. Troy continues to think that all of his major accomplishments are "no big deal." If it wasn't for his big mouth wife...... who is obviously lacking in the humility department... no one would know of the good he does and all that he has accomplished.
God love him, he never boast or brags about his achievements.
I on the other hand... call Wave 3 regularly. That is the joke in our home. Whenever he has news that I think he (and all of Louisville!!) should be proud of- I tell him I'm calling the news. I'm of course totally joking.... kind of ;-)
I snapped this picture during dinner last night when he was telling me of the most recent good news. He groaned..... "oh no, are you going to put that on your blog?" I told him it was either the blog or WHAS11 (Wave is sick of hearing from me) so to smile or else! ;)
Now for my bragging... (sorry husband- someone has to do it). Dr. Parker, head of the Pathology Department at University Hospital (who Troy works underneath as a resident) has been invited to attend The 132nd Meeting of the Association of Clinical Scientist in Mobile, Alabama at the end of May. Dr. Parker is well respected in the medical community. Over the past year, (off and on during residency) Troy has been working on a rare case of lymphoma. Dr. Parker presented some of Troy's work to the conference, in hopes that he would possibly be invited as well. With Troy being only a 2nd year resident, we weren't sure he would receive an invitation. However, the conference confirmed with Troy yesterday that they want to hear him speak/present his material in Mobile this May! The topic of the conference is "Advances in Pathology for Personalized Medicine." I am SO excited for my husband. His abilities never cease to amaze me. I continue to feel so proud to be his wife.
What also amazes me about this man is the fact that he is so much to so many. I am overwhelmed by the fact that he can achieve so much in his career, and at the same time be the loving husband that he is to me. He continues to make me his first priority in life. He is always saying "all I want is for you to be happy." Whether we are talking about major life decisions, careers, or something as simple as where we sit at dinner "are you sure this booth isn't too close to the door, are you comfortable.....I want you to be happy," he ALWAYS thinks of me and my happiness first. This gift of selflessness, always putting his wife, his marriage, my happiness above anything else is one of my most precious blessings!
I am so proud of you sweet husband of mine!
Now on to my slumber party. Miss. Abigail decided that she would play hooky from daycare and spend the night with us last night. She actually had a sinus infection/low grade fever and needed to skip daycare today. However, I'm going with the hooky story. I think she faked it just to hang with her Aunt Kristin :) Pay no attention to the swollen eyes and runny nose in most of these pics that would suggest otherwise.
She showed up yesterday evening in her Elmo pajamas ready for the party. I told her we needed to finish laundry first before the party began. She ran hangers back and forth to me from the closet to the laundry room. She laughed and squealed the whole time she did it.
Until she didn't return to the laundry room and I found her playing with Troy's electronic tie holder. :)
Our slumber party started with a video. We asked her if she wanted to watch "The Bachelor; The Women Tell All" (my pick for the evening), or "Spartacus" (Troy's pick) or one of the 8 videos that her mommy and daddy packed in her suitcase (they were on to us!!!). We ended up spending the evening with Barney, and loved every minute of it.
After several Barney episodes and lots of singing and jumping on the bed, I told her it was time to get ready for night-night. She was not happy.
So we stayed up.... :) Abby pretty much gets whatever she wants at our house. She found a chair in our sitting room and became obsessed with it. She declared it "Abby's chair."
She was so into it, that I asked Troy to move it into our bedroom so that she could watch her shows in it. Troy had to remove legs off of the chair so that it would fit through the doorway. At 8:30 at night. See, told ya she gets what she wants :)
I had an Elmo t-shirt that I wore to her Elmo themed 2nd birthday party a couple of months ago. I put it on, and told her they were my Elmo pajamas, just like hers. She immediately looked at Troy like "what's your problem? Did you not get the Elmo pajama memo?"
This morning she played in the bath tub.....
Got her hair fixed......
Had an array of snacks and junk....
And swiffered my floors :)
This was too precious to not write about. There were pictures of Troy and I flashing on the screen saver and Abby like watching them. So I turned on a video that I had made for Troy (I posted it here back in February: http://www.troyandkristindavis.blogspot.com/2012/02/happy-valentines-day-sweet-husband-of.html ) and she LOVED it. She made me play it over... and over...
I had to wake her up from her nap before she was ready because her mommy was leaving work early to come and get her. The nerve of her. Abby was NOT happy. I told her that I wanted to get a picture of us before she left and she gave me looks to kill.
I kissed her.....
You do not wake this sugarplum up before she is ready- lesson learned.
If only I didn't have to go to work, and could spend everyday with this baby...
.......life would be good.
Thank you Abby for our slumber party :) We love you!
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