Last night, Troy took me to see "Mary Poppins," at The Kentucky Center. It was wonderful. Before we get to the show, I have to make a side note. I started this blog as an online scrapbook for myself, so I want to note this so that I will remember..... I was S-I-C-K, sick!
There is nothing more I'd rather do than get all dolled up and go to dinner and a show. But I laid in bed all day wondering how I would get a shower...how I would get dressed.... and what sweat pants did I have that would pass for dress pants? The thought of going out when feeling bad was not appealing. Luckily, I was able to get dressed and get there and I'm SO glad I did. It was a wonderful evening!
I know people think I'm nuts taking pictures in restaurants. Years ago when I had my first cell phone with a camera, I would take pictures of us in restaurants (or wherever) and Troy would turn three shades of red. He is so used to it now that last night during dinner he asked "why don't you have the flash on?" I told him that I didn't want to embarrass him or draw attention to our table when the bright flash went off. He said that was nonsense, to turn it on if I wanted. I have ruined him :)
After dinner, we walked over to the theater. It was beautiful outside, the perfect evening for a walk downtown.
Before the show, we stopped by the souvenir table to buy my ornament. I like to get a Christmas ornament anytime we go somewhere like this, to hang on our "memory" tree during the holidays. Would you believe they were sold out? It was opening night!? They gave me the website of where it can be ordered. Aren't they sweet? The perfect memory ornament from this Broadway show...

We snapped a few pictures before going into the theater..

This was the view from our seats. We were in row B, which was so nice.
Photography wasn't allowed, but I found these photos on the Broadway Across America site and from the Courier Journal.
I absolutely loved the performance. I'm a fan of any musical, but when it's Disney....oh....I just can't take it. I enjoy a live show so much, that I always get emotional during the final applause when the cast is taking their bow. ??? It's down right embarrassing. Troy is used to it, but I try my best not to let the person sitting next to me see. God help me if I ever had a child on the stage :)
To my sweet husband- thank you for taking me tonight! I know you had to have been tired after working all day and appreciate you being so good to me. I love you.
I am super jealous!! I am just like you, I love musicals and especially anything Disney!! :)