I credit so much of who I am, and what I've become to this woman.
So much of what I do, say, feel and think is a reflection of her. The phrase "I am my mother's daughter," could not be more true for me. We are two peas in a pod....... and I love it.
My mother is the most selfless person I know.
She radiates goodness and love.
She is as beautiful on the inside as she is the out.

I strive to be more like her.
Her birthday is a reminder of how special she made all of our birthdays, holidays, first days of school, etc. Growing up, we didn't just have birthday celebrations/cakes. We had cakes that said anything from "Yay for Kristin & Kandice, no more diapers!".....to "Matthew, today marks 13 days until you turn the big 13!" Yes..... we got small surprises everyday, for 13 days, to celebrate becoming a teenager. The list goes on and on...
The fact that it is her special day, and all I can think of is what she's done for us, is a testimony to the love and dedication she has given.
Happy Birthday Mom! Your love has done more for me than you'll ever know. If I end up to be half the woman you are, I will be blessed.
I love you so very much.
P.S. Mom now has the plague too. :( We had to cancel her birthday brunch, so that dad could take her to the doctor's office instead :( Hopefully we will be able to celebrate her birthday next Sunday!
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