I miss the days of printing photos and making albums. I am so behind on doing this, and know it's because of the digital camera, and all it's convenience

I need to get on top of printing all of our photos and getting them in albums. We have thousands of pictures. It is a daunting task. I wonder how long my albums will stick around though? I predict it won't be long, and we will all be viewing photos from online sources only. I'm afraid all of my beautiful engraved photo albums and memory books will soon be a thing of the past. My children will probably only know virtual albums. That is so sad.
See... I'm tellin' ya. I was supposed to be the other sister with Laura, Mary and Ashley on the prairie. I could handle Nellie Olsen.
I remember growing up and my mom talking about what she would grab if the house caught on fire (second to family/pets of course). It was the family photo albums. All 5, 233 of them :) While trying to decide if I should begin blogging, Troy and I had the fire conversation. I said that I would grab the albums, but he would have to grab the camera and the computer tower where all of our photos are saved. When "Walking Dead" went to commercial, I said "okay, so you grab the computer, right?" His disheveled response..... "okay, now what caught on fire?"
That's it.
Blogging it is.
But for now, I must get back to the greatest thing EVER invented in life. My DVR....
they have those on the prairie, right?
So I'm going to try blogging. I'm going to attempt to have a virtual memory book, so that when my pictures sit in the camera for years, or if albums become a thing of the past, I will at least have something to look back on.
That's it.
Blogging it is.
But for now, I must get back to the greatest thing EVER invented in life. My DVR....
they have those on the prairie, right?
Yay! I am just now catching up with your blog! I saw your comment you left for me about a week ago just today! Oops! Congrats on starting a blog!! And I don't know if I could of toughed it out in the prairie days, although I am with you I think I am from another era too ;)