I love our weekends!
Friday night we had dinner with friends at Coals Artisan Pizza. If you haven't been, it's gourmet style pizzas that are named after areas of town here in Louisville. We enjoyed it!

However, I think we could eat anywhere and have a wonderful time with these friends! Troy went to medical school with some of these sweet people and I love that they all stayed in Louisville for residency. They do not come any better than Heather and her husband, Adam..... and Mona is one of the most charming girls I know. We have so much in common with this bunch and love spending time with them.

Troy and Adam talking video games :)
After dinner, we walked to Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen.
On Saturday, we went to file our taxes. Yes.... I took a picture.
We celebrated the fact that we didn't owe anything to Uncle Sam by going to Chuy's. Well, I celebrated.... Troy doesn't care for Chuy's. God love him- he goes for me. He says the only thing worth eating there is the chips and queso. He even ordered chips/nachos for dinner. He does that sometimes at Mexican restaurants... orders nachos... and I think it's so weird. Why would you order/pay for what they give you free? It would be like ordering/paying for oyster crackers at Skyline Chili. Who does that? I always tease him about it.
After dinner we made a trip to Target. I got a cart. That's Troy's basis on how long we will be there. If I get a cart- he knows he might as well head to the electronics to keep himself entertained. :) You know you love your life when just being with your husband in Target is enjoyable :)
On Sunday, mom and I decided we were in the mood to shop and headed to the mall.
She treated me to a mani/pedi, she is so good to me!
Mom getting her zebra on :)
I love being with my her. I love having the close relationship that we do. I would truly be lost without my momma.
I can not close this post without asking you to say a prayer. My dear friend Brittany tragically lost her sister a few days ago. I can not imagine their grief, and pray for peace and rest for their hurting hearts. Would you join me?
Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Have a good Monday.
We had so much fun with you too! I think Adam and Troy have a lot in common... Except Chuy's. Adam loves Chuy's.