Six post in one week (and two in one day!?) has to mean that we're wearing out our welcome! Thank you for reading ; )
Kandice called one day and said that she was coming to see us. I knew that she had major worries about flying, and couldn't believe that she was going to tackle it. She said that she felt sad for us that we were missing our family, and wanted to do it for us.
And she did : )
Her visit was only for a few days, but it was so good for our hearts!
We spent time at the zoo, poolside, having lunch dates...
.....and dinner in the evenings with "Brother," as she always calls Troy.
We love you Kandice and treasured this time with you. The idea behind why you came (because you heard that I was struggling), will always means so much. Thank you for coming (despite your concerns), just for us!
A few days after Kandice left, MiMi arrived!
Troy's Mom has to be the easiest, most laid back "house guest" there is. Which makes for such an enjoyable and relaxing time. For some reason, the week she was here I was struggling with pregnancy fatigue. I never nap when Walt does, but all of a sudden had to. I think I napped every day while she was here. And after Walt was in bed each night, I crashed too (Troy closely behind me).... often leaving her with the tv remote and a "help yourself to anything." God love her. She was good to me.
A few photos from our days out and about...
( case you've been wondering... Walt practically does live on the carousel!)...
I rarely get my mother in law all to myself, which made this time extra special. I will always remember our walks and long talks.
And while she was here, we found the most delicious fajitas that I've ever had (so this place can do something right)! I'm still dreaming about them.
And all this last pictures proves is that I need a selfie stick.
And maybe on this particular day, a nap.
We learned a couple of months ago that Troy's Mom will be moving to/retiring in Florida soon. The day she told us was a hard one for me. I told her that I was excited for her, and wanted her to be happy. And all of those things are true... but not what I truly wanted to say. I wanted to tell her that I haven't known life without her near me for 16 years now.... and that it would be very hard without her with us.
But that's only because we love her so much.
To say that we're thankful for Mom, Dad, Kandice and Nellene visiting sounds so casual. Because it's not just something that we thought sounded nice or enjoyable. But it was something that we needed. Had to have. And they all knew that.
To be loved like this is such a sweet and safe feeling. Knowing that your family will always, no matter the sacrifice, be there when you need a gift.
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