Too many photos for one post, but that's what happens when you haven't been home in 5 months!
I hardly slept the night before... you would have thought we were flying to Disney.
But this flight was headed somewhere even more magical...
it was headed home.
I love airports. Always have. I could sit at the gate forever and watch people say hello and goodbye to their families. I cry like a baby when I see the families together. It's like watching a live Hallmark movie for me. An airport is the happiest and saddest place there is.
And how sweet is my family waiting and watching for us?
I love them all so much!
If you ever go home for the holidays... you want to go to my parents' house.
They were worried about Walt being away from all of his toys, so awaiting him was this....
Walt couldn't get to them fast enough. It was like Christmas morning!
Our bathroom was stocked with new fresh linens and holiday soap! And of course, surprises for Walt..
Something I'll always remember from this week at home...
Walt had so many people waiting to love on him.... and he wanted absolutely no part of it. It was so unlike him (he's always happy and friendly), and it had me completely baffled. If they weren't Mommy, Daddy, grandparents (or Kandice!)... he wanted no part of them.
I was so shocked at this. He had never been shy with people or so clingy with Mommy around "strangers."
It made for some interesting visits.
Poor Uncle Eric, who is the sweetest sweet pea there is, had to sneak in the photo (as Walt couldn't be in the same room with him)...
Aunt Sarah and Aunt Christy had to stand on their heads to be able to hold him. They worked to keep him happy and distracted...
...and if it weren't for little Abby keeping him entertained...we probably wouldn't have made it through the visit with Sam and Jason either.
Everyone kept saying that it was his age ...that a lot of little ones go through stranger anxiety at this stage. After all, it is just him and Mommy every day. But I still couldn't believe it. It was so unlike him.
Twenty four hours later, we had a sick baby and ended up at the pediatrician's office.
Poor little turkey had a Thanksgiving double ear infection, bad cold, and cutting molars.
It at least helped to explain why he couldn't stand the sight of his aunts and uncles ;-)
We somehow managed to see all of our friends that are family in one short week. Some visits were as short as a quick hug hello, and some (most!) visits I completely neglected to take a photo. Some of these pictures are random, but I know what they are and will always remember how they related to our visits home.

I said it a million times the week we were home, but have to record it for memory. I have never known friends like mine. On a busy holiday week (who isn't crazy busy the week of Thanksgiving?!), all of them.... ALL OF THEM.... were willing to do anything to see us. My friends are the busiest people I know, and to think that they were still desperately wanting to spend time with us, is proof that my group is better than the best.
My favorite part of being home was just that.... being home.
Hanging around the house in our pajamas until noon, staying up past our bedtime just to spend more time with family.... homemade meals (still dreaming about that breakfast!), watching the Macy's parade while smelling the turkey cook, it was all a little slice of Heaven.
And even though he wasn't feeling well, I know that Walt had the time of his life....
.....and being sick at Grandmom and Grandad's meant candy after breakfast....
.....special play time, morning walks with Grandad, and lots of snuggling.
I also loved hanging in the kitchen watching my favorite meal of the year come together. There's nothing like watching pie crust be kneaded by hand.....dumplings being rolled out.... I love the sights and smells of Mom's Thanksgiving dinner.
And, thanks to Mom, what a delicious and beautiful dinner it was....
Thanksgiving Day 2015...
By the end of the week, Walt was feeling better and for the most part, back to his happy self.
We finished our week in Louisville with a stop at Katherine's 2nd (Minnie Mouse themed!) birthday party!
Heather and Adam surprised Katherine with the sweetest little PB kitchen....
.....and the rest of us with the news of a baby GIRL!
Our baby girls will be a month apart ; )
How perfect are these little loves?
The night before we left Louisville, we celebrated Thanksgiving with Troy's family.
Sarah and Eric hosted a delicious dinner at their beautiful new home...
....and before we knew it, our week in Louisville had come to a close.
If you are away from your families during the heart goes out to you again and again. I thought of you all week long. I can't imagine the void you must feel. Whether you've lost a loved one, are serving in our military, pulling long holiday shifts at a hospital.... or maybe you're the gas station attendant who can't afford to give up pay to be with your family. Whatever the reason, I hope that somehow your heart is blessed in a special way this holiday season.