I know that I've included way too many photos in this post.
But I can't help myself. They're all so sweet to me.
And besides.... you only have one, 1st Birthday!
We once again returned to a place of special memories. Hurstbourne Country Club hosted by bridal shower (8 years ago!), my baby shower.... and now Walt's first birthday party.
What a beautiful backdrop for our Walt's special day...
For his first birthday, I wanted a theme that had meaning. A theme that had been a part of his first year.
Keeping in mind his first movie, his first lullaby, his first Halloween costume, and one of his first amusement park rides....
the theme of, DUMBO (circus!), seemed like a must do.
At the top of the staircase, our guest were welcomed by an enlargement of his party invitation.....
....and (keeping with the theme), were then given a quick trip down Memory Lane.
In the foyer, sat the sweetest circus themed gift table....

....and in the gathering room, a circus themed candy buffet!
We decorated his party room with circus colors......
....and touches of Dumbo.
And then there was the cake.
Oh, the cake.
It was just so perfect to me.
As was our baby next to it. He simply couldn't be in sweeter.
Technically, our Walt will not turn a year old until July 2nd.
But we will already be gone by that date ..... he will turn a year old in Houston.
So we had his party five weeks early, so that he could be surrounded by all those that love him.....
There's nothing better than being in one room, with EVERYONE that you love.
After lunch, a magician made the little ones balloon animals...
....and performed a magic show!
My favorite part was the looks on the faces of all the little ones...
(and big ones!) ;-)
The birthday boy sat under his circus tent for gift opening...
I love these faces!
As always, everyone was so generous in spoiling our Walt!
After a quick outfit change, it was time for cake!
Such priceless photos!
At the end, the children (and the adults!), filled their bags with treats from the candy buffet....
Oh, how we love each family that attended.
Walt's first birthday arrived at the busiest time of our lives. During the party planning, we were in the middle of not one move.... but two. I don't know that life has ever been so hectic for us.
This party would not have happened without the help of my parents.
I can't tell you how many party errands that mom ran with me.... how many hours they both spent helping Troy and I get this all together.... and how they did it all with a selfless heart.
Even my request of "mom... will you sit in the trunk, and be responsible for making sure that the 4 tiered cake doesn't fall... " was fulfilled.
I love that everything we do, is a family affair. Always has been.....
always will be.
Thank you GrandMom and GranDad for helping us with all that you do. We would be lost without you.
And to my husband.....
My husband who was finishing one fellowship here in Louisville....and preparing for another in Houston. My husband who was ordering moving trucks, applying for a Texas medical licences, and keeping us on track with the endless list of things that you have to do to prepare for a relocation.
My husband who still took the time to help me with party decor and details...
... even if it required a hot glue gun and needle and thread in hand.
Thank you husband, for working so hard for us.... everyday..... and for wanting Walt's party to be as special for him as I did. I love you so much.
Thank you for taking time to read about Walt's big day.
We are honored that you continue to share in our lives.
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