Here are some photos from our weekend.... by far my favorite weekend this year.
Most of you know of our Valentine's Day ultrasound.
I still think it was such a special way to spend the day.
When I say we counted down the minutes until 2:00 Friday..... I mean that literally.
We absolutely could not wait to see if our Valentine ultrasound would reveal a Romeo or Juliet.
And we weren't the only ones excited...... I love saving text from days like this... it's like an online scrapbook/baby book that we'll always have....
And I'm sure most of you have heard by now of our exciting news.....
We absolutely can't believe it.
A baby BOY!
Mom, Dad & Kandice had a priceless reaction. I loved every second of it! I wish I would have snapped more photos, but I was too excited to hold still :)
Not knowing the gender until their arrival to our home..... they all brought gifts for both a girl and boy :)
Here are a few of my favorite ultrasound photos.
Have you EVER seen a baby do this??
The lady that did the ultrasound laughed the entire time. She said she had never seen a baby do such a thing ;)
I told her it was because he's SO SWEET and listens to his Mamma. I had a talk with the baby on the way to the appointment.... and asked them to PLEASE cooperate and show Mommy & Daddy what they are. No curling up into a ball where we couldn't see!
He's already so good ;)
We spent the weekend in our baby blue......
....and baby shopping with my parents!
Dad was wanting to plan his own nursery for their house ;-)
I think every girl has dreamed of the day she can go baby shopping for her own.
It was exactly what I had always imagined.
And speaking of shopping for our baby.....
I can't tell you how many times I've walked past this bassinet in Pottery Barn, and imagined having it for my own someday. It sat in the back left corner of the store for years..... and I've coveted it ever since.
On Sunday, I got online to look at it again, and learned that it had been discontinued, and could no longer be purchased. I frantically called the store and learned that they had only one left.
Troy said it was meant for our baby boy.....
I still can't walk past it without getting emotional. Not because of the bassinet....though it is the most BEAUTIFUL thing I've ever seen.... but because of my sweet baby boy that will soon adorn it.
Fit for a prince!
I just can't believe that this is my life.
And that's not the only thing we purchased this weekend.
I wanted to remember the very first purchases/outfits made for our baby boy.....
I'm in awe of how fast you can fall in love with a baby you've yet to see....yet to hold.
And I'm also amazed at how you can fall.... over and over again.
We've loved our baby since the first pregnancy test read positive.
We learned of a new and even stronger love, the day we heard its heartbeat, and saw it move on the small screen in front of us.
And now.... to know it's a baby boy.... we spent the weekend falling in love..... all over again.
Falling in love with our new son..... our new hopes, our new dreams..... our new life.
All in a weekend.
It's almost inconceivable that you can fall that hard....that fast..... for a 10 ounce bundle of baby boy......
but then again....
...i fell in love with his father during a 3 minute slow dance.
So I should have expected such love fast.
Thanks for reading tonight. Have a wonderful evening!
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