My favorite weekend of the year has come and gone.
I look forward to the weekend of Thanksgiving all year long.
The fun usually begins at the beginning of the week, when I call my parent's home to see what pie crust Mom is rolling out, or what cake she's measuring flour for.
She works for days to prepare the most delicious feast for us, and listening to her plan and cook all week, is part of the fun for me.
Though it is my favorite meal of the year, it's only a fraction of the reason it's my favorite weekend. It's everything that goes into this holiday. Smelling the turkey cook, having the parade on in the background, listening to my Dad swear that something is burning, sneaking bites of a cheese covered casserole, and knowing all along that this is only the beginning of the holiday season. But most importantly, it's being with the loves of our lives all weekend long, that makes it the most anticipated weekend of the year.
I cherish every minute of it.
We began our Thanksgiving on Thursday with a delicious and beautiful meal!
I look forward to the weekend of Thanksgiving all year long.
The fun usually begins at the beginning of the week, when I call my parent's home to see what pie crust Mom is rolling out, or what cake she's measuring flour for.
She works for days to prepare the most delicious feast for us, and listening to her plan and cook all week, is part of the fun for me.
Though it is my favorite meal of the year, it's only a fraction of the reason it's my favorite weekend. It's everything that goes into this holiday. Smelling the turkey cook, having the parade on in the background, listening to my Dad swear that something is burning, sneaking bites of a cheese covered casserole, and knowing all along that this is only the beginning of the holiday season. But most importantly, it's being with the loves of our lives all weekend long, that makes it the most anticipated weekend of the year.
I cherish every minute of it.
We began our Thanksgiving on Thursday with a delicious and beautiful meal!
Mom prepared every Thanksgiving side dish that you could dream of....and then some. Including, four made from scratch desserts.....

The best part was being able to share it all with the ones we love most....
We spent the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend with Troy's family. Brian and Alex flew home for the holiday, which truly makes this weekend what it is for us.
When you get these brothers together, it's like a three ring circus.....
Two doctors and an engineer in one corner of the table, can provide for quite the entertainment. You never know what these 3 are going to come out with next.
And I love every minute of it.
Most of the time ;)
But by far..... the best part of this Thanksgiving was a shiny new ring, and a new forever for our family.
The night before, Eric proposed to sweet Sarah.....
and we couldn't be more thrilled.
She cuddled up next to me on the sofa that evening, took my hand and told me how lucky she felt to have me, and all of us, as her family.
Best 2013 Thanksgiving memory, by far.
I'm beyond excited to have an upcoming wedding......happy that my (perfect!) brother-in-law has found his forever..... and very emotional that with a simple drop to one knee and a "yes!"..... I gained a new sister.
I love living this life with my family, and look forward to a lifetime of Thanksgivings with my new sister to be.
We ended my favorite weekend of the year with a late night showing of Disney's, "Frozen!"
If you're a Disney fan, I can't recommend it enough. It was packed full of music (Broadway style with lots of duets), had a beautiful story of sisterhood, and the snow and ice made it the perfect holiday movie. Go see it :)
To both of my mommas.... thank you for working so hard on my most favorite meal of the year. For my deep dish pumpkin pie (my mom), and my turtle brownies (Troy's mom), I love that specific dishes are made with me in mind. ; ). I love you!
And thank you to both of our families for another year of wonderful Thanksgiving memories!
I hope that your Thanksgiving weekend was a memorable one too!
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