So hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone.
It passed too quickly this year.
We had such a busy December, that I never found time to post pictures from this month.
We began the month by watching Heather & Adam go from a family of two........ a family of 3 :)
Katherine Rue is a tiny teacup.... and I don't know that I've ever seen Troy so smitten with a newborn. He still talks about how sweet she is.
Katherine brought with her weather predictions of snow, ice, and frigid temperatures...... so her Mommy had her dressed appropriately :)
Congratulations Adam & Heather! We can't wait to see Kate again!
This month, we celebrated Eric's 30th birthday........
And Abby's 4th birthday!
She had an Ariel/Little Mermaid theme this year...
Where have these 4 years gone??
This month also brought a girl's night....
Only with girls you've known for 23 years, could you feel comfortable enough to turn it into a pajama party :)
There's nothing sweeter or more relaxing, than an evening with girls that you know love you unconditionally.
This month also brought our first baby appointment!!!
We loved hearing the heart beat so much, that Troy said he was going home and ordering his own Doppler.
And that he did!
We've been playing with it ever since :)
We also hosted a party for Troy's residents this month. They requested an ugly sweater party....

I loved how everyone got so into the theme....
And Diana, who shares my love for all things Disney Parks.... apparently also shares my taste in ugly Christmas sweaters :)
The little ones were festive for Christmas too......
How sweet!?
We did a "White Elephant" gift exchange, which made for lots of jokes and laughs......
Silvia surprised me with this year's ugly sweater Hallmark ornament....
(and did the desserts for me!)...
And Troy and I surprised the group with our news......
A wonderful night, with wonderful people!
We go go go so much during the holidays. Whether we are attending a Christmas party, or hosting one....or two!?... it's a busy month. I enjoy every minute of it, but I never want it to interfere with the true meaning of Christmas.
Because of this, I have a firm Christmas rule.....that I almost refuse to break. We can pack our schedule full (and we do!)... for the first three weeks of December. But after that, we stop.
After December 20th.... no parties, no get-togethers, no shopping, no hustle & bustle.
Just family.
And only family.
We use this time to watch Christmas movies, and drink eggnog.... snuggle up near the Christmas tree, bake cookies......and just enjoy the season. But most importantly, we use this time to concentrate on what Christmas is truly all about, and being with the ones we love.
On the 21st, we celebrated Christmas with Troy's mom and family.
The baby and I dressed appropriately :)
The next day we celebrated Christmas with Papa George.....
We also enjoyed a beautiful and delicious Christmas Eve/eve dinner.....which mom always host on the 23rd...
I love that the 21st through the 23rd contained three family Christmas events... and it wasn't even Christmas yet :)
Christmas Eve has always been for Troy and I.
For many years, we have sat this time aside for the two of us. We did it for two reasons.... one, it was an evening for us, and only us, to be together. It is our Christmas. And two, we wanted to always keep this evening quiet and ready for when we have children. We want Christmas Eve to be magical for them. We want them home in their pajamas and waiting for Santa.
So on the 24th..... we celebrated our last Christmas Eve, just the two of us.
We went on our annual Christmas Eve date......
saw a movie .....
....and went for sushi (all cooked of course!). ;)
At the end of the evening, we exchanged gifts. My favorite gift from Troy requires a back story....
Every year when we visit Disney/Epcot, I fall in love with these little stuffed lambs/pigs from the shop in Germany. They are made in and imported directly from Germany, and are the sweetest, softest little lovies I've ever seen. For YEARS, I have wanted to buy one for our future baby. But they are pricey, and I always hated to spend money on something that was so far in the future. Who knew when we would have babies!? Every year though, Troy tells me that I will get one if we are ever in Disney when I'm expecting.... or when we visit with our little ones. We have many photos of me throughout the years, at Disney.....snuggling with these toys....
A few weeks after returning from Disney this year, we learned that I was expecting. I told Troy that I came so close to getting my stuffed lamb or pig. If only we had known that I was expecting then. And it will probably be several years before we return to Disney and visit that little shop in Epcot/Germany.
Christmas Eve.....
I'm still not sure of how my sweet husband found and got a hold of these toys, made only in Germany. But that's part of what makes it special. The fact that he remembered..... took the time to find them... and have them ready for our baby to be.
A very special Christmas gift :)
I soaked up every minute of our Christmas Eve together this year. I know we'll soon go from a Christmas Eve date of sushi and cocktails sugar cookies and cocoa. And we can't wait. But I've enjoyed every minute of our Christmas Eves just the two of us.... and they will always be such special memories for me.
Christmas Day was of course the cherry on top of this December. But it has so many photos and memories, that it deserves its own post.
Hope that you had a wonderful month of December!