Happy Election Day Friends!
I hope that you not only voted- but felt the same sense of pride that I did when doing so!
Walking into a voting poll gives me goosebumps. Someday, I would like to volunteer at one of the polls. Seeing elderly people stand up from a wheelchair to cast a vote... seeing people in construction clothing or medical scrubs and knowing they were on their lunch break.... hearing a Mother say that she can now prove that a baby stroller along with several children can all fit into a voting booth.... it is a true example of the American spirit. One day- I'd love to volunteer and soak it all up.
Did you wear your red, white and blue today??
Troy will tell you that I find an excuse to work fashion into any event.... but hey... it's America's day... and fun to show your pride!
We have a car in the repair shop, so I made a deal with Jen..... if I could ride with her to vote (we vote at the same place), I would sit in the car with the kids when she voted, and then we'd switch. : )
We ended up making an afternoon out of it and did lunch and talked about the election. Jen and I cancelled out one another's vote.... ;-) .... but it was still fun to vote together and see Nate get into it as well.
Jen took Nate in with her to vote (love his red white and blue!) and let him help fill in the circle next to their Presidential candidate. I thought that was neat....
I've loved all of the images regarding the election this year... from fashion (my child would have to wear the outfit below!!!), to political themed cupcakes and even some of the funny jokes. It's a time when though we're very divided, we still unite as a country in celebration of electing our new President.
I had a friend say this morning that she was still very torn on the election and was running out of time to decide.
To be honest.... I thought that was pretty neat.
Troy works with a couple from Venezuela who recently took time away from work (they are both physicians) to fly across the country so that they could be present for election day in their home country.
Troy asked them why in the world they would spend so much time, energy, and money to cast just two votes. She explained to him that one of the two individuals running was a dictator and would destroy the country if he won the election. She said she would do anything to help prevent him from winning.....to help save their country, where their families still reside. It was that serious. We worried about them while they were gone. She told Troy that if the dictator won the election, she feared that war would irrupt within their country over night.
So when my friend told me this morning that she was still torn... I thought of how blessed we are to not have to fear such things that Troy's coworker did.
I know I know..... some of you probably feel that one of these two men will ruin, destroy and take down our country. And I understand that to an extent. But can you imagine going to bed tonight knowing that a proven dictator...... who would strip us all of our rights, our safety, our normal......had just won the rights to our country? Can you imagine having to fly across the world to be with your family in the event that war would irrupt tomorrow.... over the election?
To be torn in your decision.... to know that if you couldn't make it to the poll today, you would still be safe tomorrow. It's a blessing that we take for granted.
Though these two men vary drastically in their plans and decisions for our country.... I believe they both still want good things for our country (or what they believe are good things)....
....and that in itself is why we as Americans can feel safe to carry on with life tonight. Yes, we will watch the election, we will keep our fingers crossed that our man wins..... and we may even cry, worry, or be angered if the result is not in our favor.
But we know that we carry on tomorrow with the same American spirit that we began with today.
Don't misunderstand.... this is most definitely not a cop out...... or a "mickey mouse" way of looking at things. Troy and I stayed up way too late last night confirming that our final voting decision was the right one. We compared issues, plans, and beliefs of these two candidates. We know and understand it's importance..... and how it will most likely affect us more than ever during this next term. So bringing positive attention to both candidates is not my way of saying "it doesn't matter".... or "it will be fine either way.." Most definitely not.
But knowing that no matter which man wins.... which party prevails... that my family will still be safe, still be free, and still have what most countries refer to as the American Dream..... Troy's coworker, Sylvia has shown me .... is a blessing.
I pray for our country tonight..... that nor Obama or Romney's plan be done....but His plan.
And I pray for their families.... who either way, will have a trying post election time ahead of them.

I did this post mainly for our memories. It's not every day that you vote a new President into office, and I wanted to save a few images from the 2012 election. But also to remind myself that even though Troy and I feel that a certain candidate has a better plan.... we as Americans are privileged to even have the right to place a vote and share that feeling.
And because I'm claiming that voting, sharing our thoughts and beliefs on the election, etc., is all a privileged ... I feel it would be a cop-out to not share who received our votes.
Due to issues regarding health care, taxes (and a couple of more personal issues), we confidently cast our vote for Mitt Romney. With so many members of our family being in health care, we feel strongly about some of the changes that could/could not occur in the future regarding this matter. Redistribution of taxes is another issue we considered in voting.
And if you voted for Obama today....though we are not a fan....it warms my heart just the same! I love that you pulled for someone, believed in someone and embraced what makes our country so wonderful!
The last time I checked- Obama was favored to win! Either way- I'm still proud to live under the direction of either one of them.
Enjoy all of the election coverage this evening!
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