This time one year ago, I was becoming quite familiar with Jen's personal monthly cycle and schedule.... if you know what I mean :). They were trying for baby number 2, and had been for awhile. Every time a new month rolled around- I knew the week to ask. I hated when she had to tell me no.
January, and a new year arrived and I told myself that I wasn't going to ask anymore. I didn't want her to feel bad every month. That idea lasted all of 10 minutes that day.... I couldn't help it. I had been praying- and had to ask.
We celebrated in the middle of the street that afternoon (we were walking at the time). I was wanting to tell every neighbor we passed... and ready to name the baby that minute. Jen knew it was so early, and said we couldn't celebrate too much yet.
Yeah....that lasted all of ten minutes too. I have been celebrating for 9 long months.
Back in June, we learned that Troy would be presenting a case in Boston the second week of October.
Jen's due date. :(
I couldn't believe the timing. I had waited so long for this little one to arrive and now I was going to be gone the week she would most likely make her debut. For several months I teased Jen, telling her that I REALLY needed her to have this baby the weekend before Troy and I left..... and preferably that Saturday (it was a convenient day for my schedule ..HA!), which would make it September 29th. I knew that wasn't even the same month that she was due.... but it would be most appreciated if she could accommodate. ;) She thought I was nuts. Here are some old text....proof of my request:
Our travel dates were fast approaching and Jen was feeling just fine. No signs of labor. I was going to miss this.
I won't bore you with all of the details, but to make a long story short- at her weekly appointment, Jen's doctor made a last minute decision to induce her on September 27th. The baby looked healthy and ready, so I was ecstatic I wasn't going to miss it after all.... and the baby would be arriving one day short of my request (most likely- we didn't expect her to be in labor for two days).
But this baby had other plans..... she put her Mommy through a looooong and hard labor, just so that she could honor my request.
On SEPTEMBER 29th, at 2:48am weighing only 5lbs and 8oz...
Penelope Lucille Hammond arrived.
This was the first photo I saw of her...isn't she stunning?
She was healthy....perfect.... and she timed her arrival just for me :)
I had the joy of keeping Nate while Jen and Mike were in labor. He was an angel as always. Troy was on call that weekend, and gone for a lot of it. Nate and I had our own dinner date, watched movies, and basically had a "You're Almost a Big Brother" party. He got a kick out of staying up past his bedtime (grinning "it's really late isn't it?"), being allowed to eat two poptarts ("but I usually just get to eat one poptart and like a banana"), and other simple, but sweet things. I told him Big Brothers were allowed to do anything they wanted while waiting for their new least at my house :)
Here are the last few pictures taken of him before he took on the role of Penelope's big brother....
The moment he saw her for the first time......I think it was love at first sight...
Daddy swooped in for their VERY FIRST photo as a family of four.... but Nate wouldn't take his eyes off of Penelope. I love this...
Have you ever seen a sweeter Mommy and Baby? :)
Nate holding Penelope for the first time....

Jen's best friend Lauren was enough to make me cry. She traveled from Northern Kentucky, leaving her 3 year old and husband behind...AND while being 7 months pregnant herself... to be with Jen. She hardly left Jen's side and when she did, it was to clean Jen's house, prepare their welcome home dinner, or take Nate from me. If everyone in the world had a best friend like Lauren.... we would all live happier, easier, SWEETER lives.
When I first walked in with Nate, the first thing Mike said (in a bittersweet, kind of sad tone) was, "Oh.... Nate looks so grown today." I thought that was sweet. After having Penelope, it was almost like Nate had grown up over night in his eyes.
First car ride....
I can't tell you how honored I was to share in this experience with this family. Especially in such a close way. To be able to spend time with Nate....
to be there when he met his sister for the first them home from the hospital... I felt honored to be included in such special moments.
I think one of the neatest things about Penny's arrival (other than her honoring my date request! ha!) is having her right across the street. It's neat to be able to cross the street at the end of a day and snuggle with a 5lb bundle of sweetness. :)
And for the record... I'm not the only one enjoying Penelope...
Jen- thank you for sharing your pregnancy with me. From feeling her kick, to eating your strange food cravings, to working on the nursery....I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!
Congratulations Hammond family! We think she's just perfect :)
Kristin - I can't tell you what it means to me that you captured all these moments for us, these pictures will be a part of our family's history forever. Your sweet words had me in tears, you're already so good at making the everyday seem special, so when it's a big event like this you outdo yourself. You're a treasure of a friend. I don't have the words to say thanks enough for not only letting Nate stay the night with you Friday, but that you loved on him so much. You really made HIM feel special, and at a time when I couldn't be there for him, you made over him. Thank you a million times over.