Please ignore the look of this blog today.
I tried to clean it up/un-clutter the look, and have no idea what I did. The old design and background were just too busy and I wanted to simplify it.
Instead, I moved things around and am now having a hard time recovering it.
HTML coding is no joke.
It's a work in progress.
So..... just concentrate on him.....
He still looks good :)
Troy had a birthday a couple of weeks ago (thank you Cheryl C for his cookie!). He was on call that week, so we had to spend his birthday at home with the pager close by.
Mom made him a photo slide show on the computer (thank you Mom, as you can see, he loved it!), we had Mexican food, opened gifts and had a quiet evening. Thankfully- he was not paged that night!
We celebrated with a couple of other date nights that week, but always had to stay close to home. Birthday weeks while being on call are rather tricky!
Troy, Matthew and Kandice all share a birthday week!
Dad grilled steaks, Mom made lots of sides and we spent the afternoon celebrating with one another.
I've been birthday spoiled my entire life. As have my siblings. It's nothing new. But the fact that my parents celebrate their "in law children" as one of their own is something very special to me. It's one thing to get your son-in-law/daughter-in-law a birthday gift... I think most people do. But it's another thing to flood their phone with birthday text all day (both Mom and Dad do this for Troy), make birthday video greetings, prepare their favorite birthday dessert, and countless other things they do to celebrate them. Troy is my everything. Every thought of my every day revolves around my love for him. But the fact that the same occurs with my parents, is a blessing. I will always appreciate the way they love Troy.
April also brought time with my girls......
Aren't they beautiful? :)
It is amazing to me how much our dinner conversations have changed over the years. We've gone from young, foot lose and fancy free... to .....young-ISH, foot in a cast/boot (sorry Jennifer), and fancy pee (long story).
We talk about personal things that most people would never say out loud. And we do it like it's nothing.
I love every minute of it.
They are my constant reminder that friends make life better.
This month also brought time with my favorite little ones.....
Abby and I were on our way to the grocery the other day, and out of no where, she said....
"You came to my bir-day party." I told her that she was correct, I did. Her birthday was in December, I wondered why she was talking about that. Then she said....
"Because you are my aunt......and you are my "fam-il-wy."
Needless to say, she was allowed to get whatever she wanted at Kroger.
She was also allowed to empty my kitchen pantry into the dining room to create a store for us to shop in.
She was the boss.
Because I was her "fam-il-wy."
Abby is of no blood relation to me.... her Mommy and Daddy are simply our best friends. But our love for her sure wouldn't suggest only that. I prayed over her ultrasound picture for months before she was born. I worry when she has a bad day at daycare. I want the best for her in every way possible, forever. She's too young to understand the depth of our love for her, but yet she knows we love her like "fam-il-wy."
I don't think I'll ever forget her saying that.
When I took the photo above/right of her eating a cupcake, I instantly thought of her doing the same thing a couple of years ago.
Love it :)
We've also spent time with Nate...
He met Troy in the driveway one Friday evening to give him a birthday card. I walked out to see both him and Troy and Nate asked me what I was up to. I told him I was going to make dinner. You could tell his wheels were turning. I told him his Mommy was making meatloaf for dinner ('s crazy...but we talk enough to know what the other is having for dinner), but that he could eat with us if his Mom said it was okay. Troy told him he should eat at both places.
He ran home, and returned minutes later to hang with us for awhile. He talked to me while I cooked, and then we eventually had a picnic in the family room.
I couldn't help but to think that I should cherish that little picnic dinner with him. He's 6 going on 16. It won't be long and he'll be ditching me to play with a neighborhood friend. His Friday nights will soon look very different I'm sure. Jen used to say that she didn't know what Nate thought we did at our house that was so cool, but that he is always so excited to walk over.
But I think our "coolness" is fading quickly.
He already doesn't stay as long as he use to.
Darn those neighborhood boys and their basketballs.
His sister, baby Penelope .... she still wants to hang with me.
Not quite finished with little ones that I love.....
I got to spend an afternoon with Cooper and Cameron at the zoo. Cooper wore his safari vest :)
They were hysterical, as always.
And totally won my heart with, "Kristin, would you take our picture?"
You mean you're not going to complain, stomp your feet and gripe when I want to take your picture?
You're actually requesting it??
And posing????
I think Dad wishes their movie had been shorter.....
We've also spent time with Nate...
He met Troy in the driveway one Friday evening to give him a birthday card. I walked out to see both him and Troy and Nate asked me what I was up to. I told him I was going to make dinner. You could tell his wheels were turning. I told him his Mommy was making meatloaf for dinner ('s crazy...but we talk enough to know what the other is having for dinner), but that he could eat with us if his Mom said it was okay. Troy told him he should eat at both places.
He ran home, and returned minutes later to hang with us for awhile. He talked to me while I cooked, and then we eventually had a picnic in the family room.
I couldn't help but to think that I should cherish that little picnic dinner with him. He's 6 going on 16. It won't be long and he'll be ditching me to play with a neighborhood friend. His Friday nights will soon look very different I'm sure. Jen used to say that she didn't know what Nate thought we did at our house that was so cool, but that he is always so excited to walk over.
But I think our "coolness" is fading quickly.
He already doesn't stay as long as he use to.
Darn those neighborhood boys and their basketballs.
His sister, baby Penelope .... she still wants to hang with me.
She is not a Davis house fan.
She is a Mommy's girl, especially in the evening.
She usually cries when I take her.
But I keep trying :)
Not quite finished with little ones that I love.....
I got to spend an afternoon with Cooper and Cameron at the zoo. Cooper wore his safari vest :)
They were hysterical, as always.
And totally won my heart with, "Kristin, would you take our picture?"
You mean you're not going to complain, stomp your feet and gripe when I want to take your picture?
You're actually requesting it??
And posing????
This is wonderful.
And can have whatever you want at the zoo.
Oh.....your Mommy said you could only have one treat?
Well we're counting an Icee as your "drink" and not a treat.
So what else would you like?
Sorry Ann.....
but they request photos.
Enough said.
I want them.
And please tell me how you trained them to request pictures.
I need to use it on Troy.
Here are a few pictures from last weekend. We spent an evening out with Mom and Dad. We did dinner, and then separated. Troy and Dad went to a movie, and Mom and I shopped.
I think Dad wishes their movie had been shorter.....
I have no photos from this weekend because I have the plague.
I tend to exaggerate.
Especially when I'm sick or emotional.
We were supposed to have dinner with my in laws, but we had to post pone due to the fact that I can only produce sound with every 4th word. And sound like a barking seal.
It was a movies in bed kind of weekend.
So sorry Mom, Manuel, Sarah and Eric! We love you and hope to see you very soon.
I'm closing with what is actually the worst photo of me this month..... but it is my favorite April memory, so I'm posting it.
You have no idea what our 3 hour breakfast/lunch meant to me. It's times like that.... conversations that go on for hours.... the fact that I can cry with you (in a restaurant of all places!?)....the way I know the advice you're going to give before you even give it.... and the way I never....EVER ....have to question your intentions, your honesty and your love...not only for me, but for my entire family.... that make us...
You will always be the "fam-il-wy" I chose.
I love you friend.
That's it for now! Hope all of you have a wonderful Derby week!!