A week ago today, I was piddling around on a Sunday morning....not doing much of anything. My family and I had plans to have lunch for my birthday, and other than that, it would be an ordinary day. I was in the mood for Rafferty's.... I called ahead for reservations just a few minutes before my parents were to pick Troy and I up.
Little did I know... while I was hanging around the house that morning without a care in the world..... my parents were here..... doing this.....
And as you can see.... they were not at Rafferty's.
They were at Wildwood Country Club..... preparing a surprise birthday party.....all for me.
A surprise birthday party where the wrapping paper matched the cake....that matched the gift bags....that matched the favors....
.....complete with a gift table for even the youngest of guests.
The sweetest and most perfect of surprise parties.
While I was catching up on my DVR that morning .... I now know that my parents were working feverishly to perfect every last detail of my surprise.
And while I was trying to decide if I could be extra lazy that day and wear sweats and my favorite worn out Gap hoodie to lunch..... surely my family wouldn't mind... (thank you Lord Jesus for not letting this happen....HA!), my dearest friends were arriving at the country club and waiting for my arrival.
Even the little ones were keeping themselves occupied while waiting...
I know most of you don't care to know the details of how this surprise went down- but I want to record it for my memory.
My parents called and said they were running a few minutes late because my Dad had to go down to work to have his picture made for some upcoming award banquet or something. I told my mom that was ridiculous that they made him do that on a Sunday.
I now know that this was just the excuse as to why he would be dressed up.....and that he never went to work that day.
Mom told me later that this was just one of the thirteen hundreds lies she told me that week while preparing for my party. :)
While heading to Rafferty's (so I thought), Mom said that we had to make a very quick stop at some art show in Fern Creek that her co worker's brother was in. She said that her coworker really wanted mom to see his work.
I honestly never thought a thing of it.... all I was worried about was Kandice (who was meeting us at Rafferty's) wondering what was taking so long. But Mom said that we would be fast, and she would text Kandice now to let her know we would be there soon.
Apparently she was texting not just Kandice, but all of my closest girlfriends.... letting them know that we were almost there.
I love these photos of everyone getting into place...
When we walked into the clubhouse, and my Dad opened the door to the banquet room, a million thoughts hit me at once. I could see my mother's touch on everything in that room.
It was all too perfect.
It had to be her.
It had to be for me.
It all happened so fast... but at the same time I thought "this has to be for me... we must be having lunch here later... (room was dark and empty).... is when my dad opened the door for me to walk in and the people nearest and dearest to my heart yelled "surprise!"....
I don't know who's face is more priceless.... mine or Will's :)
It was the sweetest sight and sound I've ever heard. I hope I never forget that feeling of surprise.
And apparently when i am caught off guard....overwhelmed...or nervous....I grab my clothing (??)..... I'm doing it in several of these first photos (above and below)!? As weird as it looks, I enjoyed seeing it because I now wonder why I did that. I don't know if I was thinking "oh gosh...I need something to hold on to"... or... "oh Lordy...why did I wear this today??".... or maybe I normally put my hands in my pockets when I'm nervous and had none on this day. Who knows!? But I love these first few photos.....
As soon as the "surprise" came out....all the little ones ran to hug me. I'm not sure if someone put them up to this, or if they did it on their own, but it was honestly my favorite memory from the entire party.
We took a ton of photos (which are mostly of me.... which feels weird... but it is what it is), before enjoying a lunch ....
Troy knew nothing of this party, and I love the reason why. Mom said at first, she was too nervous to pull him into her web of lies! Ha! She said she had told me so many in the run of the week, that she didn't even know what to tell him to keep straight. But more importantly...she said she wanted him to be surprised too. I thought that was sweet...that she thought of him too. He was as shocked as I was.
I learned that afternoon that Kandice was mom's partner in crime that week. Mom drug her to the country club, and every bakery and party store in town. If you know Kandice.... you know that she doesn't obsess over tiny details in life (she will live longer than Mom and I), like if the pink table napkins match the pink wrapping paper. But Mom said that Kandice was so patient with her that week, helping her with whatever she needed. I love this..... and get tickled when picturing them doing it together.
And my girls..... oh my girls.
I loved hearing the stories about how they all played a role.
Mom said that one of them told her that she was supposed to work the weekend of the party, but that she would get it off..... do or die. Half way through the week, she told my mom that she still hadn't managed to get it off... but not to worry- she would be there no matter what it took.
Mom also told me that another girl sent a message thanking her for the invite and saying that she was honored to be there. That she enjoyed our family and always felt good after being around us. ?? Best gift ever!
A couple of the girls told me at the party that they wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world.
They are more precious to me than they'll ever know. I wouldn't trade not a one of them for anything.
I talk/text with these girls 5,000 times a day. How they were in on this surprise all week and never showed it..... I will never know!?
Lots of pictures with the sweetest little ones in the world.....
I will always say that ALL of these babies held me over for many years. It was loving on them and watching them all grow that kept us content until we were ready to have our own children. In some ways, I feel like they were our first children. Most of them.... I held the day they were born, and could tell you about their first steps, potty training details... and their first day of school.
I hope they are always my babies. Even when they have their own babies.
The little ones were so sweet when I opened gifts. Somehow they each ended up coming up with me when I opened the gift from them.
I love the looks on their faces ...

And because my Mom was in charge of this party.... I wasn't the only one who received gifts.
Everyone went home with gifts. E-v-er-y one. Even the guys.
Leave it to Mom to have a wrapped gift for everyone : )
This was not our first hurrah at Wildwood Country Club (which makes all of this that much more special). Both my wedding rehearsal dinner, and my brother's rehearsal dinner were held here. Albert has helped serve at all 3 events now. We love him.
What a perfect day!
To my friends..... one of you once told me, "Friends Are the Family We Choose for Ourselves." These words could never be more true than they were for this day. I began last Sunday thinking that I was just having lunch with my family. And really..... that's still what I did. Thank you for being there and for being the family that I chose.
Thank you for running around town.... loading God knows what in and out of the country club ... I can only imagine how many times Mom asked you to move all of the tables so that she could see a different set up..... for being a patient and loving husband to a party planning perfectionist of a wife.....we would all be lost without you.
And for being a father who is willing to spend a fortune to spoil his grown daughter. You probably never dreamed when you were setting up tables for Mom for my 3rd birthday....that you'd still be doing it at 32.
I love you so much.
A couple of people have asked why 32.... why a surprise party this year?
I know. You know.
And the reason why .... why you worked so hard to make sure this day was perfect for me... is one of the most precious gifts you've ever given me. Thank you for wanting my world to be perfect.... even when life has other plans. I hope that one day I can surprise my daughter in all the ways you have for me (Monchee on my 10th birthday when I walked out of school.... a stretch limousine on my 16th birthday when I walked out of school....and all of the other countless surprises). Walking into this party is another memory I'll add to the list. What a special day. But more than any of that.... I hope that when my child is 32.... that I will still want life to be picture perfect for them, like you do for us. That when life throws them a curve ball... that I will work as hard as you do to make them happy....to make life better.
I love you Mom.
And one more birthday to mention-
my blog turned a year old this weekend. : )
Thank you to all of you for reading and making it an enjoyable year. It's fun to share our lives with you.
Have a wonderful week!
P.S. Jason- thank you for the pictures, for helping Mom and Dad with all that you did. Love you very much!